My memoir, I AM – My Journey To A Creative Life, illustrated with full colour images of my art, is available from Amazon as a printed paperback and hardcover book and as a Kindle eBook. The eBook is also available from Smashwords. Here’s a short description on what it’s about: 

After surviving five cardiac arrests in one night following a minor accident, I vow to ditch my career and live the rest of my one and only precious life writing fiction, making photographs, and creating art.

Wanting to make sense of my decades-long frustrating quest for an artistic life and discover how creative work became my salvation, I search my memory cache and sift through five decades of personal journals. Delving deep into my psyche brings to light my Sisyphean attempts to break free and follow my bliss.

On this voyage of self-discovery, I learn how my relentless pursuit of career success and making money, of doing and achieving, repeatedly eclipsed my cherished creative dreams. Along the way, I explore the source of my ambition, my chronic anxieties, and my habitual coping mechanisms.

In my memoir I share my thought processes and struggles to become an artist. I reveal the rollercoaster highs and lows, the joys and fears, the successes and failures that represent my life as a passionate, restless, constantly re-evaluating artist.



Clutter and hoarding, creativity and the artist, and death and dying come together in my dystopian novel, The Naked Law. It’s available from Amazon as a paperback and as a Kindle eBook. The eBook is also available from Smashwords. Here’s a short description of what it’s about: 

Before you die, you must divest yourself of all your worldly goods. That is The Naked Law of a new world order. But if you keep telling stories, or if you keep making art, you may just delay the Final Reckoning.

“The Naked Law” opens with the launch of a blog that shares stories about life after The Final Catastrophe. You will hear from a chorus of voices including Sheri, a collector who is preparing for her day in court to argue against the Essential Goods Inventory form; Laszlo the Fixer, an old-world rebel who helped rebuild society after The Great Resolve; and Amy Anderson, author of the Clutter-Buster’s blog. You will also encounter Lena Lorca, an artist struggling with creativity and death in a brave new world.


Themes of fractured dreams, poignant memories, and loneliness unite the fourteen short stories in “Open Wounds, Secret Obsessions”. My collection of short stories is available as a paperback and as a Kindle eBook from Amazon.  The eBook is also available from Smashwords. Here’s what it’s about:

In this debut collection, you’ll meet a variety of eccentric characters including a young traveller who is duped by a charismatic thief in Rome, a woman who obsessively attends strangers’ weddings, a son who gets to really know his father only after he has died, and a woman whose mother’s puzzling disappearance has tainted her life.

In each of the stories, a deceptively smooth surface cracks open to reveal ogres and monsters below. The characters mysteriously pass from normalcy into serious obsession, if not madness, with the reader never quite able to say when this happens.

The stories show young people providing perceptive insight far beyond their years, while older ones often appear naïve. Many of the characters are broken, badly hurt by life and by the passage of time.


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